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Conspiracy Theorist? or Critical Thinker?

Writer: Kathryn WatkinsKathryn Watkins

What does "Conspiracy" mean? Let's look at the definition; "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful." Most people are clearly misunderstood when it comes to this term, although undoubtedly helped along by the corporate owned Mainstream Media and thanks to the C.I.A coining and changing the "meaning" (or interpretation of), to stamp out any questioning of the Assassination of President John F Kennedy.

It does not mean "untruth". In fact, by definition, it relates exactly to what is being carried out on humanity right this moment. Do we have "proof?" that this so called "pandemic" is real? Are we being led by controlled organisations to believe something that is simply not true? How do we establish what is the truth? How do we establish the meaning of ANYTHING? Do we just listen to and accept the babblings of talking heads on the screens? pied pipers through the radio and crisis actors through the media?

What is "Critical Thinking?" - "the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement." The key word here being "objective" which means; "(of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts."

Is it not just common sense, that in order to come to a sound, fair and valid conclusion of something, you MUST analyse ALL data, from all sources available? Without emotion or bias? When personal feelings or instilled opinions get involved, the outcome is almost always knee jerk reactions to having long held beliefs, challenged. Cognitive dissonance is the perfect way to describe this, the cause being fear driven in every case.

"In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, and is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of them. According to this theory, when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other, people do all in their power to change them until they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein they try to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort." - Wikipedia.

The truth is, that "Conspiracy theorist" is used in a derogatory manner in response to challenged beliefs and, from a sinister perspective to throw people off course. It's much easier to dismiss someone as one, rather than have to face up to the possibility (probability) that you are incorrect, and what you have always thought to be fact, may not be. This creates a state of fear because when you see through one lie, the safety net has broken and the safety bubble burst.

What most people refer to as a "conspiracy theorist" is in fact, a "critical thinker". Someone with the ability to put all preconceived beliefs, opinions and ideas to one side and simply analyse the data from all sources before coming to a fair, unbiased and valid conclusion.


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