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Writer's pictureKathryn Watkins

Online Grooming is the real pandemic!

The internet is both a blessing and a curse. It can tell us anything we need to know, it can show us how to do things that we would otherwise need assistance with, and we can literally learn anything we choose at the click of a button. This advancement in technology has been beneficial in these areas, obviously.

However, there is a very, very dark and dangerous side to the internet that most people seem either unaware of, or unconcerned about. Social media platforms are a magnet for predators. It's far easier to groom someone online, as it is in person. The predator can also remain anonymous, and can pretend to be whoever they like, including children.

It takes just twenty minutes to groom a child online, and since most children are given a smartphone from age five or six these days, then it's pretty much easy pickings for the ever increasing amount of predators out there.

To put this into perspective, I just want to take a moment to explain why there is an ongoing increase in predatory behaviour, especially over the last few decades. Since pornography has become freely available to all online, then obviously people can access it at the click of a button, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We are talking hardcore pornography, with the most disturbing genres we've EVER seen, including "kiddie porn" (the sexual abuse and torture of infants and children)

Let us talk about how the "demand" for this abhorrent perversion has brought us to the deviant levels of filth we're all swimming in today.

Pornography is addictive, it has the same affect as chemical drugs. It causes brain atrophy (wasting away of the brain) damaging the pre-frontal cortex in the process. The pre-frontal cortex is the chief executive of the brain, it's what makes us human. It is responsible for evaluating risk, reward, and danger, self-mastery, decision-making, and more.

This is why when people are addicted to it, and many are, the youngest I'm aware of is age nine, that their inhibitions are lowered, desensitisation creeps in, causing the reward centre of the brain to be massively overstimulated. This then leads to chasing the "high", as with chemical addiction, running along the same neural pathways in the brain.

It starts off viewing a topless model, but it NEVER stays there. The more it's viewed, the more habituation sets in, causing the addict to seek out more "shocking" content. It is this process that leads to sexual offending in some cases, including the sexual abuse of children.

The "science" says that sexual offender brains are different to healthy controls. No doubt that is the case, it has been demonstrated over and over through brain imagery of sexual offenders. This then is interpreted by psychologists and specialists to mean that they were born to offend. This is wholly inaccurate. The scanning of the brain is always POST offending. In order to establish this as true, you would need to scan the brain of a new-born baby, and keep scanning them regularly, which is highly dangerous and unethical. It is completely futile using results AFTER the offence has been committed. Hit, after hit, after hit, after hit of dopamine flooding and stressing the brain shows an enlarged mass on the scan, obviously. It's astounding, common sense should prevail here but sadly doesn't.

In other words, predators are not born, they're created.

So, with this in mind, can you see why access to pornography is a massive danger to everyone in society? Most children are online, as much as parents have been warned over, and over, and over, and over again, they succumb to whatever the child wants, including allowing them access to as many devices as they please. Not only are they able to watch highly inappropriate material, they are also on a number of social media platforms including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. They access this mainly on their smartphones, out of the view of parents or guardians most of the time. Mobile phones are stuck to most people, adults too, therefore children are being left to their own devices, quite literally.

TikTok is a Chinese Communist pedophile app. It has no safeguarding measures, and no vetting or regulation. I once very briefly joined TikTok to get some of my content out there, and every time I logged into it, it would show me random videos, as well as sexually explicit material! If I am seeing that when I'm logging in, then so are children! I deleted it in the end because it was making me feel ill. Apparently this happened because I didn't specify my algorithms, not that it makes any difference. Once the material has been viewed, it's already too late.

It's usually on these apps, and within chat rooms (even children's chat rooms) where the grooming process begins. The predators having already committed the crime starting in their mind, after fanning the flames of an already burning desire, with endless dopamine hits from pornography addiction, are ready for their prey. What an incredibly easy place to fulfil their sick fantasies. Here is one very recent example of a sixty year old male, talking to a fifteen year old teenage boy. I am pre-warning here because it's absolutely disgusting and it will most certainly disturb you, please do not listen around children. I will leave the link to my short video here, but also transcribe below in case this gets pulled down. The recording has already been removed so I'm thankful I recorded it before it disappeared. This was on TikTok....

"I want you to sit on my face, I want you to be the first guy I've rimmed......never done it before.....and I want you to be my first. I want to stick my tongue right up your arse.....lick you out.....hear you moaning.....yea how's that? dick is so wet....(groaning)...I'll stick my tongue right up there and hit your G-spot....I'm so hard......what you doing?...I'm waiting for you......fucking wanking my dick here for you....."

This is absolutely horrific. Can we just remind ourselves that it was a fifteen year old boy that this predatory pervert was speaking to. It made me sick when I heard it. This is not an isolated case, it's happening right now as I'm writing this blog. Thanks to the sexual "liberation" movement which brought us "chem-sex" (drugs and sex) with an "anything goes" attitude, with the onslaught of pornography and explicit content everywhere in society, online, in Hollywood and the Music Industry, we now live in an incredibly dangerous world, which is only getting worse, day by day.

A recent Sky News article shows that Researchers at the University of Edinburgh have found more than 12% of the world's children have been victims of sexual abuse on the internet. Surveys found 1.8 million men in Britain have offended against children online at some point - enough to fill Wembley Stadium 20 times. This is unspeakable, a true pandemic of the greatest proportions we have ever, EVER seen, and the most dangerous. If something isn't done right now, to end this nightmare, God knows what is in store for the younger generations, and those yet to be born. I dread to think, it's disturbing, unsettling, and downright terrifying.

The murder of teenager Breck Bednar in 2014 should have been another warning to parents. Breck was groomed by 18-year-old Lewis Daynes through online gaming for months before Breck finally went to meet Daynes in person, for what he believed to be a fantastic opportunity for him, after being lied to and manipulated into thinking that Daynes was a high flying business man owning his own computer company in New York. Disaster struck when Daynes stabbed Breck in the neck, killing him instantly, before posting photos of his lifeless body on social media, where Breck's sisters would see them, before even knowing what had happened.

Three years before befriending Bednar and his friends, Daynes was accused of raping a young boy and allegedly possessing images of child pornography. Despite the accusations, Daynes was neither investigated nor prosecuted.

This can happen to anybody. Breck came from a very loving, well-adjusted family, he was a top student at school, had lots of friends, and was dearly loved by everyone. Brecks mum noticed the change in his behaviour and attitude, and did everything she could have done to stop the contact between Daynes, who she disliked and distrusted immensely by this time, and her son. She even removed devices from Breck to ensure that the relationship between the two was severed. However, Daynes had posted a brand new Iphone to Breck so they were still able to communicate, without Breck's mums knowledge.

I could give example, after example, after example, but you get the gist. Parents need to fully understand the level of danger that their children are in when they are online. It's not enough to put "blocks" on devices, they're pretty useless, and they don't work. My advice would be to not give your young children smartphones. They don't need them. If they must have a phone, then get them a phone which has text message and ring function only. This way, you can communicate with them when they're not with you if necessary. Don't allow them a smartphone until they've shown enough maturity to understand the dangers surrounding online abuse and grooming, as teenagers, NOT children.

Check your children's devices, whether they like it or not. You are not your children's "friend", they already have friends, you are their PARENT, and it's your job to parent properly and ensure their safety, not to allow them to run rings around you. It seems that not many people care to know this, until it happens to them. Absolutely nobody is immune from this, and unless you take proper care in ensuring devices are checked, then your child could be next.

To reiterate, pornography is the most dangerous thing to have ever landed on this earth. Sex trafficking, child sex abuse, satanic ritual abuse, incest, bestiality, family breakdown, hypersexuality, early sexual behaviour - are not separate of one another, they all have a symbiotic relationship with pornography.

Not everybody who watches explicit material will turn into a serial-rapist-murderer, but EVERY serial-rapist-murderer is addicted to explicit material.

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Really informative, well written, easy to digest.

Will share in local mum groups, and other groups.

Will share on fakebook too.

Thank you for all your efforts Kat 🙌🏽❤️

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