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Writer's pictureKathryn Watkins

"Pawns" of the Industry

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

Before I start this blog, there are some things that I should warn you of. I have been an avid researcher for almost thirteen years. My special field of research is the Medical Industrial Complex, in particular, the Vaccine Industry. I've ventured down many rabbit holes, as truth seekers do - a few years ago my attention was abruptly and swiftly turned to something unrelated (although not unconnected to the Medical Industrial Complex). This has far surpassed anything I have ever witnessed so far, and believe me, I've researched some horrifying things over the years that the majority of people just won't entertain. Unfortunately, this is part of the problem we face today. It's so disturbing that many people choose to turn their heads and pretend that it's not happening.

This blog will no doubt shock many readers, and many will relate to the words on this page. Albeit uncomfortable, it is something that MUST be brought to attention and dealt with immediately, before this catastrophic disaster takes anymore souls. This is the most serious but urgent blog I've written, and most likely will ever write. It's been the hardest subject to deal with for many different reasons that will be explained here on in. I've had to take breaks at times to compose myself and regain my energy because it's been emotionally, mentally, and spiritually draining. I hope that it will give some real insight regarding societal breakdown, and why we are on the verge of complete disaster, and perhaps together, we can unite and BE the change that is so desperately needed in order to save our children, and the future generations.

In 2018, whilst scrolling on Facebook, I came across a 10-minute Youtube video which caught my attention. It was about a new sex education being introduced into schools in the UK and was displaying some lesson content from a school resource package called the "All About Me" programme. I was shocked and disturbed, realising that although I had strong reason to believe that children were indeed being sexualised at a young age by this point, I honestly didn't believe that it would be within the education system. I was absolutely wrong. Not only was it already in schools in the UK, but it had been there for some time already, and, it had been introduced into many other countries too, with an overall failure rate of 87%.

My next task was obviously to find out more information. Where did it come from? Were the parents of school children aware? I hadn't heard of it, although that wasn't unusual because my daughter has been home educated since she was age four. I'm not in the loop of the public education system so I wouldn't have known, unless I was told by a friend whose children are in school. Nothing was said by anyone, I was completely unaware.

The first connection to sex education I came across was also the most devastating. Alfred Kinsey - quoted as the "Father of the Sexual Revolution". I wrote a blog on Alfred Kinsey and the Sexual Revolution last year, which you can find here. I won't go into detail on Kinsey in this blog, but I will briefly summarize his research to give an understanding for why it's so relevant.

In short, Alfred Kinsey was responsible for two "science" publications that shook the world back in 1948 and 1953 respectively. Kinsey and his team from the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, collected case histories from eighteen thousand men and women about their sexuality. He published this data in "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" firstly in 1948, followed by "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female" in 1953. Apparently, from this research, he had established that men and women were far more sexually active and promiscuous in reality, that many men engaged in homosexual acts, many men had premarital and extramarital affairs, and that sexual freedom, exhibitionism, and voyeurism should be celebrated. He stated that ALL sexual "urges" were natural and should be acted upon for "sexual health", and that everybody should engage in as much sex as possible with both sexes. As did he, a closet homosexual, and a perverted sadomasochist.

What isn't so well known is that Kinsey also claimed that human beings are sexual from birth, that "adult-child sex" (or child rape as it's better known) is normal and healthy, and that stepdaughter's benefit from having sex with their stepfather's, as it makes them better wives when they get married. How did he get to his conclusion? How did he collect the data?

Kinsey engaged in all sorts of sexual acts during his life, he believed bestiality and "child-sex" was also normal. He made pornography photos and videos with his wife, colleagues and their wives, and students alike, whoever he could convince.

Firstly, Kinsey's "sample" for adult sexuality came mostly from sex offenders, pedophiles, male and female prostitutes, and homosexuals. He used a tiny subsection from the extremes of society and made it representative to the whole American male population. In doing this, he came to the conclusion that if all the laws at the time were enforced properly, then 90% of the male population would be behind bars, and this led to an actual changing of the model penal code after his death - laws previously in place for the protection and safety of women and children - completely diminished.

Why did he state as "scientific certainty" that humans are sexual from BIRTH? As mentioned above, a large sample of Kinsey's "research" was collected from pedophiles. He used "data" from at least nine pedophiles, who recorded every part of their inhumane torture and abuse of infants and children and sent the "results" of it to Kinsey - at his request. Pedophiles think children are consenting participants in these abhorrent sexual acts, and therefore think that they "enjoy" it. What they recorded as "orgasms" in the children, were actually natural victim reactions to abuse; Convulsing, passing out, screaming, sobbing, hitting out at the "partner" (abuser). Nevertheless, this was used by Kinsey within his reports, classed as "orgasms" - as per the pedophile. Here is one of the tables from "Sexual behaviour in the Human Male" - Chapter 5 on "CHILD sexuality". I shouldn't need to give any further context.

This is absolutely unspeakable. You don't need a trained eye to see what was going on here! There was more than one abuser involved in this child abuse, as it later transpired that there were "observers with stop watches" recording this torture and abuse of children and infants as young as five months old! In the female version, the youngest is TWO months old.

As it's CLEARLY unethical to abuse and torture children today (at least in the public eye), even in the name of "science", Kinsey's "data" is what is referred to by MANY professionals within academia, as "proof" that we are sexual from birth! As well as Alfred Kinsey's "research" being heavily used within academia, it has also been used as "evidence" in a court of law, whereby MANY sexual offenders have walked away - free to abuse again and again, thanks to the law changes that came from these very publications!

How does this tie into today's society? It was Kinsey's research that kick started the "sexual revolution" back in the 1950's. This also meant that pornography was about to hit the minds of millions and millions of men all across America, and subsequently, the world.

A young man in his twenties named Hugh Hefner came across "The Kinsey Reports" and was inspired by what he read. Whether he actually read the whole publication is unknown, but he obviously felt that he knew enough to establish himself as a pornographer.

Until the "Kinsey Reports" Hugh Hefner was an average American guy - sexually inexperienced at 18 years old - had "never touched a drink in his life, never smoked, never swore, and was a virgin". The first time he "made love" was at age 22, to his fiancé, Millie.

It was the Kinsey Report that aroused his interest in sex as a subject of legitimate study, rather than the source of considerable frustration in his courtship of Millie. He began avidly reading medical journals, nudist magazines, marriage guidance handbooks, books on sex law, and any work with a vaguely erotic or pornographic content. That summer, Millie acquiesced to his urgent pleading to "go the whole way". Hefner said:

"Church-State Legislation has made common criminals of us all. Dr Alfred Kinsey has estimated that if the sex laws of the United States were conscientiously enforced, over 90% of the adult population would be in prison. A sexually hypocritical society is an unhealthy society that produces more than its share of perversion, neurosis, psychosis, unsuccessful marriage, divorce and suicide. Shame and suppression in the early years of life and you will reap frustration, frigidity, impotence, masochism, and sadism".

However, in the post Kinsey/Hefner era, every one of these measures are documented as escalating dramatically. The 90% statistic comes from Kinsey's "sample", who were largely sexual deviants, homosexual activists, imprisoned sex criminals and pedophiles. Hefner said that Playboy was "filling a publishing need only slightly less important than one just taken care of by the Kinsey Report". Sex wasn't explicit in Mainstream Media until 1948.

Kinsey's data was fraudulent. He classed prostitutes as "married" giving the idea that the average American woman was "getting down and dirty" - this was simply not true.

"Playboy touched off a mass sex industry, which has reflected Kinsey's false data throughout its entire existence".

He was captivated by Kinsey. Inspired by his fraudulent data and statistics on masturbation, bisexuality, homosexuality, virginity, adultery, swinging, and adult-child sex - became Hefner's world view. Kinsey was his God. He rejected Christianity following in Kinsey's footsteps, and he cited the "Kinsey Reports" extensively all through his life.

In 1953, the first ever publication of Playboy was released. This was to be the most disastrous "progressive" ideology EVER inflicted on man. I don't say that lightly I can assure you. The beginning of an almost century long nightmare......Hugh Hefner, with Playboy, became Alfred Kinsey's first, and most famous pamphleteer.

Dr Judith Reisman was an enemy of the sex industry, as she spent at least four decades trying to expose it. Unfortunately, Dr Reisman died in April 2021 at age 85, and had still been working right up until the afternoon of her death. Totally dedicated to the cause. As someone who has spent a considerable amount of time researching Dr Reisman's work, I am forever grateful to her and her team for exposing the most dangerous agenda to ever have been introduced and allowed to progress. She understood the impending dangers, especially to children.

In 1983, Dr Reisman was asked by the Department of Justice to investigate soft pornography for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Her report was titled:

"Role of Pornography and media violence in family violence, sexual abuse and exploitation, and juvenile delinquency."

Judith and her research team started the investigation on 22nd December 1983 and concluded and delivered as a draft on 5th November 1985.

The three publications that Reisman looked at were the most popular, and had the most subscribers, Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler. The combined readership at that time was 29 million, and almost every single issue ever published was examined up until 1983. Playboy started in 1953 and therefore had the most magazines, followed by Penthouse in 1965, and Hustler in 1974.

Children presented in pornography magazines started from the very early days of widespread pornography use, but peaked in the 1970's. This completely coincided with the "sexual liberation" movement and the "sexual revolution". Despite popular belief, the "Swinging sixties" was not a people's revolution, or a rebellious movement. It was simply another way forward to push through an abhorrent agenda celebrating "fun-loving hedonism". According to the data presented, it was Hustler who led in the three publications on child imagery, followed by Playboy and Penthouse.

A total of 6,004 child cartoons and visuals were found among the pages of the three magazines. 2,016 child cartoons were identified (mostly including boys), 3,307 child visuals were identified, of which most were photographs, and 681 were "pseudo-children", that are "adult females" (or pertain to be) who are made-up to look like children, were also identified. To be categorised as a pseudo-child, it had to meet at least two of the following criteria:

* Adult dressed as child, or as child's fairytale character

* Adult with child's hairstyle

* Adult with thumb or fingers in mouth

* Adult pose - (knock-kneed, pigeon-toed, lollipop etc)

* Adult depicted with child toy props, toys, dolls, teddies etc

* Adult depicted in child setting; schools, play area, sweet shop

The concerns of child imagery in sexual encounters and violence are:

Roles of such material making children more acceptable as objects of abuse, neglect and mistreatment, and particularly of sexual abuse and exploitation.

Such stimuli possibly reduce taboos and inhibitions restraining abusive, neglectful, or exploitative behaviour towards children.

Trivialisation of the maltreatment of children in the minds of readers.

Consequences for thought and behaviour of presenting children in sexual context and sexual violence behaviour within cartoons and visuals.

The four kinds of data collected in Dr Reisman's report were Children in cartoons; Children in visuals; Adults in cartoons in the context of crime and violence, and Adults in visuals in the context of crime and violence.

This report was the first of its kind, and the first ever research investigating the dangers of pornography. Other studies of formal research were limited at the time of this report, although many more have now been conducted, which also present the alarming effects (as expected), and will also be discussed within this blog. It's reported that just as when viewing violent films, desensitisation occurs, as does with the consumption of pornography.

Within the almost three-thousand pages of the report, hundreds of them are attributed to Dr Reisman's analysis, coding and methodology of the data. I didn't read all of these parts, only some of them, but it was evident in just how much work went into it. Complex, in depth data exists on each page size, the positioning of the children within visuals, context, text, colour, and frequency. To qualify as a child cartoon/visual when coding, the image had to depict a child, or refer to a child in the caption. They could be a main character, part of a crowd or scene, or off-stage-but mentioned in the caption, or "pseudo-children". All coding is cross referenced, even using illustrations for all stages of development so they can compare when used in pornography, down to facial expressions, eyebrows etc. I'll link the report, which is in 4 parts, at the end of the blog.

The investigators give an incredibly detailed breakdown using percentages for each magazine, and for the magazines "pooled" (together) for each category over time. There was a sudden drop in child imagery through all three magazines in 1985. I'm wondering if this sharp decrease had something to do with the release of Dr Reisman's Report - the timing impeccable.

Almost half of the child depictions were between ages three and eleven years, some were younger and some older. Ages three-eleven was the prominent age bracket through-out. As well as age, they looked at clothing, hairstyles, mismatched body parts, sexual exposure, activities engaged in, and whether the principal child was receiving, initiating, observing, or unaware.

There were discussions on the level of involvement with an adult, whether violent and sexual, or separately, most common activity for girls and for boys, how often they were mentioned, and characters involved with the child (family, relatives, babysitters, teachers, authority figures, health providers, religious figures and heroes). These are some of the examples of the investigators coding methods.

In 1970 a study was conducted by the "U. S Commission on Obscenity and Pornography" which concluded that erotica/pornography was harmless and should be liberally more accessible - (famous last words). The justification for the conclusion was a Danish study by "Kutchinsky" who claimed that increased availability of pornography in Denmark reduced sex offenses in that area. On close inspection and a thorough reading of the study, Dr Reisman explained that it was how they were recording the incidents which skewed the interpretation of the results. This could have been stopped in the 1970's, and numerous times later, but the sex industry is so powerful, and getting rid of the sexual revolution was not the aim of the agenda. Evidently. Another study found that where there was a high consumption of pornography culturally, there was an increase in reported rape.

In 1979, a study on pornography suggested that it be used for "sex education", concluding that pornography:

"Provided teenagers with a sexual education. Many adolescents turn to movies, pictures, and articles to find out exactly how to have sexual relations."

A 1972 study showed aggressive behaviour by young persons was facilitated by viewing of violent television entertainment. I will provide some examples of this later in the blog.

The cartoon is a "communication to the quick". It is fast, lively, and penetrating, and it grabs the reader on the run. Among four modes of graphic representations, photographs, line drawing, shaded drawings, and cartoons - cartoons are seen, processed, and remembered in the shortest time. In 1945, Bogardus said:

"The cartoon can indict human weakness and evil more incisively than columns of editorials, months of sermons, or reams of social reform literature".

Children obviously show a huge interest in cartoons.

Research on Child Sex Abuse

In 1984, records from the "American Humane Association" show a proportionate increase in sex abuse over seven years. They increased from 3% (2,013 cases) in 1976, to 7% (22,876 cases) in 1982. For the same period, there was also a 123% increase in child abuse, from 416,033 cases in 1976, to 929,310 cases in 1982. These numbers are absolutely staggering.

Police, FBI and Child Welfare workers have testified that "sex crime on-site evidence" will often include pornography. This isn't to say that in ALL cases there is a causal relationship between all photographs/material and the crime, but it's foolish to deny that it has been used in some cases.

Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler all used what Dr Reisman coined as "Child Magnets" (what appeals to children beyond the characters) through-out their publications. The two most prominent child magnets for obvious reasons, were Santa and Fairytale Characters. Many fathers, having played the role of Santa at Christmas, subsequently viewed this figure, and nostalgically experienced this recollection, as an enjoyable nurturant interaction with children. For the child, they are mesmorised and happy because it's Santa! It is quite usual, as we know, for a child to confuse reality with fantasy.

Santa was depicted hundreds and hundreds of times through-out the publications. Included in photos, cartoons, visuals, illustrations and advertisements. He is depicted having sex with children as well as eating them - this is satanic and a common theme within the cartoons and visuals, in all three publications. With adults and children identifying Santa as a good, wholesome person, this can cause mixed feelings, it has been pointed out by mental health professionals.

The importance of Fairy Tales to the imagination of Children and Adults.

"Nothing can be as enriching and satisfying to child and adult alike, as the folk fairytale.....communicating in a manner which reaches the uneducated mind of the child as well as that of the sophisticated adult. Applying the psychoanalytic model of the human personality, fairytales carry important messages to the conscious, preconscious, and the unconscious mind, on whatever level each is functioning at the time".

Some believe that the German commercial sex industry was relocated to Sweden during WWII - (ironically, right at the time that Kinsey and Co were collecting their data ready to publish "Sexual behaviour in the Human Male") - emerging after WWII as the "Swedish Sex Industry" which included shifts to Denmark, the Netherlands and England, UK.

A New York Court of Appeal Decision on May 12th, 1981, legalised all media productions of sexual intercourse, simulated sexual intercourse, bestiality and sadomasochistic abuse. Another blow to the family unit and society as a whole. Out of the judges who made the decision, five were lobbied. This is the problem. So many people are caught up in pornography, the decisions always end up in the wrong hands as they are reluctant to speak out!

The findings of Dr Reisman's report to the DOJ established whether children were at risk, and they were. So much went into this study and so much came out of it. Investigators, Assistant Investigators, Project Managers, Data Analysists, Statisticians, Researchers, Content Analysis Coders, Senior Admin Assistants, Admin Clerks all worked together for two years and completely blew this out of the water, with an astounding silence in response. The public didn't know about this, it was kept hidden. By this time, the pornographers were untouchable, especially Hugh Hefner.

Hugh Hefner provided old men with young women, ugly men with desirable women, shy men with nymphomaniacs, and he triggered "imagined" extramarital affairs of monogamous men.

Hefner said he broke the barrier between Madonna (good girl), and whore (bad girl), with the underside being that now all women, including wives, daughters, and mothers are also whores, therefore rape is humorous. It's a way of giving women the sex they want but are too embarrassed to admit or request (including children and animals). In Playboy:

* Elderly women only exist as ugly old wives and sex-obsessed ridiculed "granny", or plump whorehouse madams, marketing young girls and women

* Elderly men are cartooned as child molesters and old fools chasing young nurses, hoping to achieve a sexual experience

* Childbirth and children are unwanted accidents

* Children are cartooned in sexual relationships with adults

* Clergy are cartooned as child rapists, and faith demonised for tales of sexual demons

The path from Playboy to sex offender was well travelled. The monthly magazine ridiculed virginity and marriage while glamorising adultery, rape, and showing consumers ways to trick women and children into illicit sex. By 1969, millions of Playboy users struggling with unexpected porn-induced "diminished-arousal response" moved onto Penthouse - another generation of porn addicted males. By 1974 the same happened again so people turned to harder porn - Hustler magazine. Although not just adult males - Playboy was sought by juveniles for sex information, advice and values and institutionalised the war between women and men, waging a 70-year assault against marriage, the family, and heterosexual love.

LGBTQ+ organisation “Educate and Celebrate” vowed to “smash heteronormativity” just as Alfred Kinsey promoted through his publications. Dr Elly Barnes, CEO of "Educate and Celebrate" wrote a book – a resource for “Education” through nursery, primary, and secondary schools called “How to make your school into an LGBTQ+ friendly place” - I purchased and read this book, which thousands of schools are using. It only cost me £15. It's a grooming book for teachers to groom children, I couldn't believe what I was reading - huge red flags all the way through it, with serious safeguarding concerns. Two things that stuck out immediately, and completely debunks Ms Barnes' “theory” of child sexuality; She actually referenced the whole of Kinsey's publication “Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male” and also consistently misinterpreted the “Equality Act” among its pages – thirty-seven times to be exact. Here is a blog I wrote where I discuss this book in more detail. Now watch this five-minute clip of Dr Elly Barnes speaking to other educators in a conference about NOT informing parents of the content being taught.

In 1994, Playboy sued Dutch tv broadcaster EO to demand the retraction of statements by Dr. Reisman in one of their broadcasts. On air, Reisman essentially accused Playboy of producing child pornography, based on the study of three decades of its publications. Playboy ultimately lost the lawsuit. Read more about the case here.

Former U.S Surgeon General, Dr C Everett Koop (1982-1989) declared pornography a "crushing public health problem, a clear and present danger....blatantly anti-human, we must oppose it as we oppose all violence and prejudice". He was absolutely correct, but this was almost 4 decades ago! we've come a long way since then, in the completely wrong direction.

Serial rapist-murderer Ted Bundy illustrated the danger of pornography in January 1989 when he was interviewed by psychologist Dr. James Dobson on the eve of his execution. Bundy maintained that "drug store pornography" helped change a vulnerable boy into the brutal mass murderer of over thirty women and girls:

"This is the message I want to get across, that as a young boy, and I mean a boy of twelve and thirteen certainly, that I encountered ... in the local grocery store, in a local drug store, the soft-core pornography that people call "soft-core" .... [W]hat I am talking about happened twenty, thirty years ago in my formative stages."

Moments before he was electrocuted, Bundy warned America about the sadosexual material children consume today:

"What scares and appalls me, Dr. Dobson, is when I see what's on cable TV, some of the movies and some of the violence in the movies that comes into homes today, with stuff that they wouldn't show in X-rated adult theaters thirty years ago . . . as it gets into the home to children who may be unattended or unaware that they may be a Ted Bundy".

Bundy was correct in his connection with pornography and sexual violence, this has been increasingly evident over the last seven decades. He stated on the eve of his execution:

"Listen, I'm no social scientist and I haven't done a survey....I mean I don't pretend that I know what John Q citizen thinks about this but I've lived in prison for a long time now and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me, and without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography, without question, without exception, deeply influenced and consumed, an addiction to pornography."

Sex wasn't graphically displayed until the early 1970's - Bundy was thirteen in 1959. The only thing available to him was Playboy (1953). By the time Penthouse came along in 1965, he was in his early twenties, and had already raped and murdered many of his victims.

"If pornography has the effect this theory claims, the future will bring an avalanche of sexual violence unsurpassed in our nation's history".

There were some seriously disturbing rapes and murders during the 1980's that were "copycats" from sexually violent films, here are just a few examples of many:

* The rape, murder and decapitation of nine-year-old Adam Walsh in 1984

* The rape, and genital mutilation of an eight-year-old in Tacoma in 1989

* In 1990, a nine-year old from Oklahoma had her genitals mutilated and eyes gouged out in a brutal attack. (Hustler took down one of their magazines where a similar scene was shown!)

I wonder what the story behind the mutilation and murder of James Bulger in the early 1990's was? what were those boys exposed to? they were only eleven years old. It's worth looking into, I don't have the facts on this case. You get my point, there are only a fraction of true statistics that are printed in mainstream media, just a very small fraction. An FBI study found that nearly all serial-rapist-murderers admit pornography as their major interest.

In 1984, FBI Agent Ken Lanning testified in a senate hearing on pornography. He stated that adult porn is used with adolescent boys to arouse them and lower inhibitions. Child pornography collections are also used for blackmail - they'll threaten to show their teachers, or parents etc. which is a very effective silencer for young boys.

A substantial number of men who go on to be abusers were abused children themselves.

"Sexual offenders appear to have a higher incidence of having been sexually victimised when they themselves were children. A very conservative estimate is 1 in 3".

Pornography plays a significant role in the training of our young people to become sexual abusers. Of 38,000 case histories of sex crimes, it was found that 41% indicated that, in fact, pornographic material was used just prior to, or during the act. One account stated:

"I can remember talking to one young man who was 19 years old - he said: "It excited me and then I got to thinking about it and I wanted to know how it felt to rape a woman and kill her..."...and when we arrested this young man and searched his home, we found a pornographic magazine depicting this very thing that he had done."

Research shows that serial-rape-murderers are commonly found with pornography depicting certain types of sadomasochistic and bondage orientated material, which can fuel the fantasies of those already leaning in that direction. Pornography is the fuel that acts as a catalyst for fantasy-driven behaviour and plays an important role in violent sex crimes.

In 1989 a young woman jogger became a victim of a notorious gang rape-battery-mutilation in Central Park, by hordes of teenage boys. The article is here. In the same year, a group of High School star athletes in New Jersey raped and violently sodomised a mildly retarded juvenile, using a broomstick and a miniature baseball bat. Here is the news article.

These attacks were the generation of college boys reading Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler - conditioned to view sexual violence as part of a "fun night out". In the same year, Playboy celebrated 35 years of "changing American boys into its revolutionary brand of American sexuality". Playboy made sexual violence acceptable and "fun", promoting the sexual assault "on the girl next door", drugging and raping, gang-rape, jokes about rape on girlfriends, unconscious patients, students, secretaries, maids, and children. Playboy championed the sexual revolution through Kinsey's mythology, giving the impression that "nice girls" like sex too.

In 1988 a Rhode Island Crisis Centre asked 1,700 sixth to ninth graders about rape. Most, not realising "forced sex" was rape, said that it's acceptable if a boy has spent money on a girl, or if they've been dating longer than six months. We have young children growing up thinking that rough sex is erotic play.

Experts estimated that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually assaulted before they turn 18, generally by a relative or another trusted acquaintance.

In 1988 Michigan reported on 681 juveniles convicted of sexually assaulting younger children. The average age of the offender was fourteen! The average age of his victim was seven! Almost 60 percent of the sexual assaults involved penetration, and further, "93% of the [juvenile] offenders were acquaintances, friends, baby-sitters, or relatives of the victims." Have American boys always criminally assaulted younger children? No. If so, the numbers of victims and offenders would have had to hold constant for generations.

Statistically speaking, this shocking number of child victims activates an equally shocking increase in numbers of offenders and a branching out of sex criminals to the wider population. That is, if the girl next door is being pictured as "wanting it," then what is expected of the boy next door? Police reports across the nation confirm that massive numbers of juvenile sexual abusers are being "created."

The horror of this new wave of juvenile sexual assaults is just the tip of the iceberg. On 11th October 1984 the Washington Post reported that a high school girl was raped in a boys' school bathroom while at least ten other boys looked on cheering.

The Boston Herald, on 28th June 1984, ran a story that a twelve-year-old Pawtucket, Massachusetts boy, raped a ten-year-old girl on a pool table in a reenactment of the infamous "Big Dan" pool table gang rape of a woman. The "Big Dan" pool hall case had recently received wide media coverage.

By 1970, "Presidents Report on Obscenity and Pornography" had identified extensive use of pornography in the informal sex education of younger children. Dr Aron Hass, in his 1979 book "Teenage Sexuality" found that most children had been exposed to pornography, and boys and girls frankly admitted they were aroused, and admitted they had attempted to copy what they saw and read.

A study in 1984 showed college males a series of films depicting myths about rape; that the victim enjoyed it; that the victim deserved it; and that the victim was unharmed. Prior to viewing, they had expressed normal, non-violent sexual attitudes, but after watching the films, more than half claimed they'd rape a woman if they thought that they wouldn't get caught.

Are you starting to see where the ever increasing "rape culture" has progressed from? College campus rape is rife. This is no secret. The FBI reported:

"Between 1960 and 1969 the number of forcible rapes committed by males under 18 had increased by 86%. It could be concluded that some force implementing toward sex crime has been operating on younger males in the U.S".

Pornography consumption today, by almost 100% of our youth creates walking targets of women and children, a holocaust of carnage never seen before in any free, or even enemy-occupied, western nation. Many cases of sex abuse go unreported between siblings which usually comes out in later life. We have a very, very serious problem, wouldn't you agree?

Neurology of Pornography and the Effects on the Brain

Japanese American poet, David Mura's Essay; "A Male Grief" - Notes on Pornography and addiction in 1987 said:

"Flesh can provide the same stimulating and addicting effects as a chemical drug".

Pornography as the "flesh", and the brains release of its own intoxicating chemicals as the "drug"- Mura stated that the pornography fantasy first attracts, then like tranquillizers and stimulants, fantasy becomes an addiction. The "eye" of the fantasy leads to darkness, despair and desperation. To get the pornography high, one must feel shame, fear, and anxiety. Pornography is media-induced stress.

In response to stress, the brain experiences conflicting and confusing information with jokes about rape, child sex abuse, adultery etc. It's promoted by famous and authoritative male figures and disorients the brain. The right hemisphere is the "emotional brain", the left is the "rational brain" or "thinking brain". The rush of pornography as a neuro-chemical response is experienced primarily by the right brain.

A brain processing images and words of diverse sex signals and emotions, induces a neuro-chemical response through-out the entire body. If the left brain had any control over the situation, it would tell the reader; "it's not real, why are your pupils dilating?" - rationality would stop the encounter. Our emergency defense system is triggered during any high arousal state. When the brain adapts to a novel situation, arousal is dramatically reduced, then more exciting experiences are sought - i.e., the more hostile, violent, shameful pornography, in order to satisfy the high.

During consumption of violent/sexual stimuli, the brain creates chemicals including adrenaline. In addition, males produce testosterone which fuels both sex (creative energy) and violence (destructive energy). Exposure to pornography generally increases one's heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure. It's dangerous to refer to this arousal state as "sexual drive" since it will tend to include a mixture of emotions such as fear, shame, anger, and more.

Dr Donald Hilton on the brain science of pornography:

"Pornography causes sexual dysfunction by numbing the bodies response to normal sexual pleasure. The brain becomes desensitised to dopamine (neurotransmitter that activates the bodies' reaction to sexual pleasure) - through over-stimulation via the internet porn culture. The result is that users fall into chemical dependency, requiring larger doses to achieve the same effect. This phenomenon drives the market for "extreme genres" of pornography."

"Many men don't realise their brains sensitivity is declining toward normal sex because internet erotica delivers endless dopamine hits. There is almost total ignorance about significance of porn users of the recent discoveries of addiction science."

Playboy should take credit for the spiraling rates of impotence, divorce, child abuse, and a whole host of other sadosexual tragedies. Kinsey argued that children need multiple orgasm outlets in order to be sexually healthy. Kinsey's "sexual outlet" theory ridiculed man-woman love, and healthy face-to-face, eye-to-eye, intimate and personal hetero intercourse. We only need to look around today to see just how bad this situation has become.

Hefner's source of inspiration was Alfred Kinsey, who gave him the research base for the Playboy philosophy that trumpeted Kinseyan Ideology that marital love alone wasn't sufficient for healthy sexuality. The sex industry is worth trillions. The "Free sex" entertainment revolution was instrumental in increasing demand for strippers, models, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, and cosmetic surgeons. Politically, Playboy is on record as funding legislators and lobbyists to secure special interests.

A recent series about Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion was aired in January 2022. This series revealed some highly disturbing information about what it was truly like living in the Mansion by the "playmates". The reason that this information has taken so long to come out publicly, is directly because of Hefner's power and influence, and also because many influential men in power have been protecting the industry. He died in 2017 so now, ex-employees of Hefner's, including his ex-girlfriend Sonda Theodore, says that there were cameras set up all through-out the mansion, recording visitors in moments they believed to be private. This was admitted by him also, many years ago during one of his interviews. He did this to protect himself and use it as leverage when necessary.

There were also "shadow mansions" which were smaller than the Playboy Mansion but were set up in a similar manner, this is where many young girls would end up, having not been successful as "playmates" - and where most of the sexual abuse took place. With drugs littered all over the mansion at all times, the favourites were cocaine, and quaaludes, which were referred to as "leg-spreaders" - this is what they were used for, sadly. If they could drug the girls with quaaludes then they were a surety for sexual activity. "Playboys" (men) would go to the mansion and have sex with whoever. Director of Playboy Promotions between 1976 and 1982 says there were reports from the models about rapes, mental and physical abuse, drug addiction, attempted murder, attempted suicide, and prostitution.

It is no secret that Hefner was seriously sexually deviant, even enjoying sex with dogs. He once forced "porn star" Linda Lovelace (when she was drugged and drunk) to perform oral sex on a german shepherd in the back of a limousine. This is the man responsible for spear heading the sexual revolution through his "sexual freedom" and pornography! It's incredible that I'm even writing these words, absolutely disgusting, but unfortunately not as rare as you would think. Not with so many addicts looking for more and more shocking content to satisfy their "high".

Hefner behaved like a King and was treated like one! Seemingly in control in the way he behaved with guests and treated them. Apparently, a "Royal Court" exists within the mansion with a huge chair like Henry VIII which Hefner would sit in with the "lady of the moment" snuggled up to him. His followers laughed at his every joke, clapped at his words, and nodded in agreement to his "moral" pronouncements. He was a sex addict, unable to control sexual desire and appetite, due to overwhelming insecurity and inability to experience satisfaction. He slept with thousands of young beautiful women but couldn't perform without drugs and admitted that he never felt anything during sex - he made "love" with drugs, not sex. Hefner was an impotent, poly-drug user; speed, cocaine, weed, quaaludes, and alcohol were ALWAYS needed by him to enjoy sex, in spite of his publicity show piece - with pipe, slippers, and silky pajamas, suggesting a laid-back personality.

In Playboy's world, women are a lower species, sexual game (like rabbits) that one goes out to "hunt". Playboy cast males as sexually primal (untrue), predatory, and guiltless animals. It was exploiting male sexual fears of female rejection. With fears of women and family commitment, Playboy became a reliable comforting substitute to monogamous heterosexual love.

Kinsey's theory of masturbation-for-health became Playboy's tool. Although, in contrast to Kinsey's fraudulent data, other studies were conducted and noted that college males in 1960 chose to "save" themselves for the woman they took as a wife. They believed marriage worked out better when there was no pre-marital intercourse - "no sex without love" attitude was common-place in fact. College females were clearly in full agreement.

Sexual fantasy advertised the rite-of-passage for college males until they found love. If masturbation could gain an audience, Playboy could be a masturbatory fantasy source, a regular "orgasm outlet" advocated by Kinsey. It represented Kinsey's values, preferences, and ideology, including laws surrounding sex at the time. The magazine was instant arousal through masturbation for boys, cheaper than any date, and required less time and effort. It was Kinsey who warned that men's health required regular orgasm outlets, giving them what appeared to be logical reasons to embrace pornography. Playboy was said to be teaching "sexual well-being". In 1978 Thomas Weyr quoted Hefner's analysis of the effect of Playboy on a new generation of leaders:

"I think it can be said with reasonable certainty that no other single thing in popular communications has had more influence on the changing social-sexual values in the last twenty-odd years than Playboy. Without question. And its influence is far more dramatic than most people realize, especially on young people growing up, both male and female .... Playboy is almost twenty-five years old. The generation now running society is the first Playboy generation-the first to grow up with this significant influence on their lives-and their influence has been felt across society."

Sexually active teenagers rose from 10% in 1950 to more than 50% by 1980. That's a staggering jump, and it's far higher than this today, as is, out of wedlock births, with teenage motherhood skyrocketing. It's progressively getting worse and worse, at the same time as it's becoming more and more "normalised" through the generations.

Alfred Kinsey advanced abnormal and subsequently harmful beliefs about human sexuality. Hefner, utilising the vehicle of Playboy, invaded the American psyche with those beliefs - and of those all around the world. The "model" playboy is always conveyed as sexually and professionally successful, happy, detached and unattracted. A typical example of this would be the well renowned "Fifty Shades of Grey" book, that on closer inspection, along with the blatant sadomasochistic theme, is actually pedophilia in plain sight. Read this article by Dr Reisman for a deeper explanation. The reader is being enticed into arousal by a young girl being sexually abused and exploited.

Letters were sent to Playboy from Senators, Congressmen, Theologians, Lawyers, Entertainers, Organisation Leaders, and a VIP list of Hefner's friends and supporters. This is largely a Playboy and Kinsey reared society, who tended toward heterophobia, widespread drug use, impotence, homosexuality, suicide, and astronomical divorce rates.

As mentioned earlier, they both battled for elimination of sex laws, with the concept of "victimless crime", "criminal rights", and "victim blaming" becoming products of both men. In post Kinsey/Hefner era, "sexology" was created to cope with the massive increase in cases of sexual disorders. It crept into higher education, medicine, therapy, counseling, law and public policy, sex education, and political lobbying.

The sexual revolution changed the nature of men's sexual problems. Suddenly analysts were finding an increase in sexual impotency, even among the young.

"Sex is the source at once of the human being's most intense pleasure and his most pervasive anxiety. Impotence is increasing these days despite (or is it because of) the unrestrained freedom on all sides. External social anxiety and guilt have lessened, internal anxiety and guilt have increased. And in some ways, these are more morbid. Overconcern with potency is generally a compensation for feelings of impotence".

Economically it is necessary for the sex industry to do two things; First it must poison men against the love of one woman; and secondly, it needs to sexually disable men. Many male consumers are easily trained to believe they're being cheated if they have a love life with one woman-one family. Pornography promotes fear and distrust of the opposite sex, impairing the ability of men to love, marry, and exclusively commit to one woman.

"Playboy often illustrated this process in its own cartoons. One of the more memorable was a young woman in bed with a man (her spouse it seems). They are having sex, only he has spread a centerfold picture over her body. She looks up, the centerfold separating her face from her beloved and asks, "Are you sure you still love me, Henry?". In another, as a middle-aged couple is leaving a porn movie, the man says to his aging wife, "I'm leaving you, Ella."

"As the consumer's new love life, the sex merchant dominates and insinuates himself into the lives of millions of men and boys. Should men ever understand themselves as victimized by sexually dysfunctional pornographers, the sex exploitation industry would indeed be endangered." - (Soft Porn Plays Hardball)

In 1969 psychotherapist Rollo May forecast that separating intimacy from sex would lead to male hostility and impotence. No woman can permanently match pornography illusions, we know this. Man has worked himself into a state of anxiety which eventually contaminates all sexual contacts. Sex researchers fail to mention the fact that impotence has increased since Kinsey/Hefner, not reduced. Western religious thought reflected the Bible's demands that men and women refrain from adultery in order to create and ensure stability of families and nurture healthy children, for thousands of years.

Pornography magazine strategy was fourfold:

* Sexually stimulate readers

* Discourage marriage

* Encourage orgasms via masturbation

* Glorify promiscuity and promote "recreational sex"

Realising this, the first Playboy issue gave men step-by-step directions on how to trick girls out of their virginity. Here, primarily virginal Judeo-Christian college boys were reassured that real men are never virgins and that the more girls they "deflower," the more "good deeds" they have done. Playboy directed men to seduce virgins and move on, as a "bee" pollinating many flowers (virgins) but not remaining long with anyone. At the first inkling of feelings, cautioned the magazine, flee!

Despite Kinsey's phony data, most women tried to maintain their virginity until marriage. Pre-Hefner, both boys and girls looked upon virginity as a valued condition. The recommendation to consumers to reduce venereal disease was to date "virgins, very young lovers, or those who were monogamous to the last decade." We can see that this "advice" has been absolutely catastrophic. The "Playboy" has been conditioned to detach himself from emotional concern for his victims or hesitation about his actions.

The "letter section" within pornography magazines apparently described people's true experiences. Turns out that these letters were mostly written by the editors themselves and names from the phonebook were randomly selected to use as the author. These were fake letters from young girls describing pleasures of group sex, and wild sex stories from southern sheriffs. Another published letter allegedly written by a young girl - a high school cheerleader, described how much she enjoyed her boyfriend beating her with a wooden paddle while she was naked and mum watched - written by the editor's hand of course, normalising sadism. This was never addressed, although technically, it's "false advertising" - there were no corrections or admissions. Most people do think that these letters are genuine.

As well as Kinsey/Hefner's sexual view finding its way into sex education, it has influenced child rearing, legislation, psychology, behaviour of children, spouses, divorcees, parents, doctors, teachers, and national leaders. The Kinsey/Hefner sex education is reflected in the rates of heterosexual dysfunction manifested in divorce, impotence, homosexuality, sex addiction, rape, serial-rape-murder, incest, drugs, and alcohol. Hefner said:

"We want to make clear from the very start, we aren't a "family magazine." If you are somebody's sister, wife or mother-in-law and picked us up by mistake, please pass us along to the man in your life and get back to your Ladies Home Companion. I don't want my editors marrying anyone and getting a lot of foolish notions in their heads about "togetherness," home, family, and all that jazz."

The male Playboy staffers, for the most part, were divorced or unmarried, and they used the magazine as an entry to meet the women they photographed and wrote about. Nearly all staff members conducted wild parties and had a wonderful time. Many of the parties had the ambience of a fraternity smoker, and the group seemed more typical of high school or college students than men in or entering their thirties. Listen to former Penthouse Editor in "The Kinsey Syndrome" at 1 hour 59 minutes and 55 seconds describe how pornography addiction almost led him to commit sexual crimes. Thankfully, he found God and pulled back, and no longer is involved with pornography, but he lived it and experienced it firsthand. Take heed of his very serious warning. How many of the staffers did eventually go on to abuse children? At least one other, which I'll discuss later in the blog.

By the late seventies/early eighties men were bringing their porn magazines into the home and into the woman's domain. No longer embarrassed, wives often bullied and tricked into living with it. Wanting desperately to attract and please husbands, and to protect marriages, women began increasingly to slip into states of depression. Less honour was created for the "non-material woman" - (wife and mother) and more honour for the "woman who works" - (outside the home). Playboy promoted that cleaners and maids would handle household problems - depicted as old-fashioned parasites and prostitutes. Wives were becoming a useless expense, unless they had children - which the Kinsey/Hefner lifestyle heavily opposed.

Responding to stories read and heard from sexologists, pornographers, and foreign films about the fun and "harmlessness" of shared sex, some husband's wanted to play "wife-swapping" which birthed the era of "open marriage" and "swinging".

Since the married "playboy" cancelled his subscription, marriage was a marketing nightmare for Playboy and other pornographers. It depended on unattracted or irresponsible men. Single, divorced, separated, frustrated, and insecure men meant maximum profit. The excitement of experimental illicit sex made friendly marriages appear boring. Young people throughout the nation (especially husband's) say good-bye to their spouses - "we don't have the chemistry anymore. Look at the excitement I'm missing, love must be over." Leonore Weitzman summed up the new situation in "The Divorce Revolution":

"In a single decade, divorce in America has been transformed by a legal revolution that has brought unexpected hardships for divorced women and their children. Between 1970 and 1980, 48 states adopted some form of no-fault divorce law. Now, divorced women and their children suffer an immediate 73 percent drop in their standard of living, while their ex-husbands enjoy a 42 percent rise in theirs. For women, especially young mothers and older homemakers, no-fault divorce is a financial disaster. The new rules for divorce are changing the rules of marriage itself, redefining the behavior, expectations and commitment of husbands and wives."

It was crucial for the sex industry to create an atmosphere where women and men distrusted and feared one another - (heterophobia).

Having undermined their consumers' natural internal responses to normal sexual stimuli, pornographers offer external arousal and escape substitutes. These external substitutes include not only the confusing sex-violence-fear images-provocative centerfolds soliciting copulation-but also promotion of licit and illicit drugs. Playboy and the subsequent sex merchant's involvement in liberating laws on illicit drugs and promoting drug use is well documented. They were the cause of the drug epidemic of the "swinging sixties". Drugs and sex ran alongside one another, as the "drug-sex revolution."

Playboy and Penthouse surveys found that adult readers were saying that the cartoons were their very favourite and most interesting feature. This was one of the reasons why Dr Reisman's team examined the cartoon content in all three publications. Children pay special attention to cartoons, comics, and other forms of illustration.

On May 22nd, 1989, Hustler cartoonist Dwaine Tinsley (creator of "Chester the Molester") was arrested for child sexual abuse. He alone, created 145 cartoons printed for Hustler of various child abuse and incest scenarios including rape and violence as the overall theme. His cartoons suggest what he was doing in his personal life, in an interview with Tinsley the year before in 1988 this is how it transpired:

Q: Who is Chester the Molester?

A: Chester is a character that I do for the magazine (hustler). You have this dirty old guy who would do anything to trap a young girl ... the younger ones, 10 or 12. He would lay out candy for them like he was trying to trap a bird .... First of all, if he's going to trap a little girl the idea for him would be to knock her out or something ... . I mean, he didn't have to actually use a club or bat. He could have smacked her, but just the idea of the bat is a little goofier. What's better than a baseball bat? It was always with him [Note the Glen Ridge High boys used a baseball bat with which to rape the young girl they had kidnapped].

Q: Don't you think that by making him [Chester the Molester] such a lovable, goofy type of guy, that somehow legitimizes what he is doing?

A: No, I don't think I was legitimizing child molesting. Chester was just a goofy kinda guy.

Q: And by laughing at him, it doesn't make it fun on some level?

A: You mean that child molesting is okay?

Q: Not okay. That's too strong a word. But more okay.

A: More acceptable? More palatable? No. I really don't think so. I don't think that people were saying that it's okay to be a child molester. If l thought that, I wouldn't have done the character. Most of the letters I received were "I know he's a nut, really. He's such a goofy guy." ... Chester has restrictions now ... he can't go after minors, you know. It's almost acceptable if this goofy guy goes for a woman that's at least 18 years of age . . . it's not such a lovable offense anymore if he goes after a young girl.

As reported in the Washington Times, Dwaine Tinsley was convicted on multiple counts of child molestation in the spring of 1989. He had drugged his daughter, put her on birth control pills when she turned thirteen, and violently sexually abused her until she reached the age of eighteen. By then, she was a suicidal drug addict, traumatised by her abuse.

Hefner himself chose every playboy cartoon, hand-picked by him, rejecting those that didn't suit his interests. This gave an insight into his own life. Everything had to be approved by Hefner and must fit his view of sex, drugs, or whatever, under the threat of dismissal. Brook Shields was only ten-years old - oiled and posed naked, with full make-up, with the caption "Sugar and Spice." It's also common knowledge that Hefner had sex with his daughter's friend while hosting her "sweet 16th" birthday party. He is also on record as saying he'd like to have sex with then Ten-year-old Chastity - daughter of singer Cher, who is now sex-reassigned. This surely gives insight into Hefner's sordid, disgusting feelings towards children. A very dangerous man.

Hefner's strategy was to win over the young. These young college men turn into lawyers, executives, and businessmen who are able to change societal attitudes. All of Hefner's staff had the same attitudes as him, much like Kinsey and his associates.

"Child Magnets" - what appeals to the child?

The five-step model of child magnets:

* Draw the child's attention to the scene

* Involve/identify the child in the scene

* Accept/approve of the hero/heroines' actions

* Process/store "heroic" sex-scene in memory

* Recommend imitation of "hero"

Of the 2,016 cartoons involving children in these magazines, 319 (16 percent) involved some "character from the culture of childhood." Drs. Wambolt and Negley's comment on children's fantasy heroes: "that pictures or cartoons of sexualized children, or fantasy heroes sexually using children, could dangerously confuse, stimulate, and distress children."

In the Reisman Report, Drs. Wambolt and Negley warned that heroes in cartoons and illustrations would become the child's role models:

"Developmentally, sexual exploration is normal for adolescents .... Many adolescents do not feel free to learn about sexuality from their parents and use peer discussion and media to teach themselves. If these adolescents view confusing pictures of "sexualized children" or cartoons about adult men, often fantasy heroes (especially Darth Vader) sexually using children, their dual developmental drives of becoming sexual as well as nurturant adults may blend, blur and be confused."

The subconscious mind is hard at work when dealing with child sexual abuse imagery. It is a fine line between titillating the reader and admitting that one is viewing child pornography. An example of a child being victimized in an outdoor scene is represented in a "Chester the Molester" cartoon by Dwaine Tinsley published by Hustler. An adolescent girl jumps up, shocked, from a park commode. "Chester the Molester" had hidden inside the commode hole. The reader sees Chester's soiled face raised up through the toilet seat, beneath the youngster (August 1984).

Thirty percent Playboy, forty percent Penthouse, and fifty percent of Hustler's imagery overall were child magnets. In 1963 they even had a "Playboy colouring book" - this was obtained while the Reisman Team were collecting data, and at least seven of the pages had been coloured by a child. The child had either been instructed by an older person about the proper colours, or had somehow followed the instructions given in the text for each page. One page had drawings of three young women. Each was colored in by the child. The instructions read:

"These are extra playmates. Every playboy should have several to spare. That is because variety is the spice of life. Make one of the girls a redhead ... a blonde . .. a brunette. It does not matter which is which. The girls' hair colors are interchangeable. So are the girls."

The youngster's coloring, drawn by a small, unsteady hand ran outside the lines of the girls' bodies and hair. The coloring book gave further instruction to small and big consumers, teaching them about the fun of home pornography viewing for boys and girls. These children have been learning far, far more than people realise, and it's causing a huge societal breakdown.

Children love cartoons, and soft porn cartoons are implicated in sex crimes against children.

The "Santa-as-a-pervert" theme ran strongly through all publications. Children are constantly cartooned as initiating, receiving, and observing sexual or violent activity with Santa. The Santa image is used as a gateway to pornography. Children's love of Santa makes him one of the most critical child magnets of all.

The fairytales are also key. Obviously, a child will most certainly be drawn in, but even the adults too. They stir memories of warmth, love, and a childish trust. Hence, the fairytale played a very important role in conditioning readers to accept the child as "sexual".

As the years went by, sexual violence progressed and was notable. In 1954, Playboy showed boy scouts soliciting adults for sex - being refused. In 1968 it was hinted that the straw man wanted to have sex with a "flat-chested" Dorothy, and by 1978 she was being gang-raped by them all. Then in 1982, Hustler photographs a "real" Dorothy with shaved genitalia, having close-up sexual intercourse, including oral and anal sodomy with, and drinking the urine of her three co-adventurers. Also note that by the time the "real" Dorothy was photographed, she was shaved to appear pre-pubescent, as a "pseudo-child". Cinderella was also depicted naked many times, as well as Snow White having "gang-bangs" with the seven dwarfs. These artistic lies and hatred fed the imaginations of the Ted Bundy's of society, long before the availability of hard-core pornography. Playboy showed boys as sexually precocious in 1953, late adolescent girls in the early 1960's, and little girls as sexually precocious by the late 1960's.

While the focus of most cartoons within the three publications showed contempt for pregnancy and children, in some, babies were described as sexual, and sexually associated with an adult. During three decades of Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler, not a single cartoon suggested that birth could be a beautiful, joyous, and wondrous event, and never born out of love with mum and dad, or a child of God - to be treasured, cherished, and protected.

In a September issue of Hustler in 1977 during one scene:

"A hospital-viewing window for newborns, a neonate has jumped up from his hospital bed, laughingly grabbing onto the hair of his attending nurse as he plunges his oversized phallus into her mouth. The father, looking into the viewing window says to his friend, "That's my boy!"

Note this Playboy cartoon scene from the 1970s (in February, of course - Valentine's Day):

"A full color, two-page cartoon cameo collection for Valentine's Day - all of the images of children are sexually compromised, with Little Boy Blue holding a whip, about to torture a naked little girl (with Playboy's exaggerated breasts). The blonde child is bound and gagged and stands in high heels, garters, and black stockings. Nearby, nine little angels are romping, two of them engaged in sex."

Such sexualized illustrations are treacherous for the imaginations, belief systems, and behavior of sexually vulnerable adults or youths who have infants available to them!

"Increasingly hospital emergency wards give accounts of infants who are in agony from venereal diseases and brutal lacerations and perforations of the throat, vagina, and anus, confirming the susceptibility of the public not only to "child sexuality" propaganda, but even to infant sexuality" propaganda. Variations of this libelous illustration are found in Hustler and in "legitimate" sex history books. "Getting Off' further legitimizes Kinsey's myths of "infant sexuality." - (Soft Porn Plays Hardball).

The disturbing fact is that loved children undermine the power of the sex industry to control men. Hence, children are the natural enemies of the sex industry, as are wives, and mothers. All sex industry materials consistently describe birth as a traumatic, and totally undesirable activity. Certainly, men who properly support their wives and children have less discretionary funds to spend on sexual toys, drugs, trips, and trivia. Men who are "unencumbered" by wives and family have more funds for the sex industry, its magazines, and other products. At this point, during the eighties, the sex industry was worth between 8 and 10 billion dollars.

The way a nation educates its children (formally and informally) absolutely determines a nation's future. This is evident, I think many agree on this point and this is why it's so incredibly dangerous. There has been a huge breakdown in society, almost completely devoid of a moral compass these days, and becoming increasingly worse.

We can all agree that children practice adulthood by careful imitation of adult activity. As with adolescent sex offenders, youngsters commonly imitate what they see in films, video, TV, and still photos. This means that, if they can, many will light the brand of cigarette, drink the beer, eat the food, wear the clothes, and do the sex acts. I was one of these people when I was younger, many of us have been pulled into this nightmare at some point during our lives. The power of marketing is strong, clearly it works very well. With children being one of the biggest consumers of pornography, in 1979 youngsters found Playboy the most authoritative "sex education" among the spectrum of pornographies.

Pornographic material creates anxiety and hostility in most normal people, especially vulnerable, developing youth. Juveniles have easy access to small children-they are still one of them. A boy's easiest access is usually to his own family members (younger siblings). When they learn of incestuous abuse by their son, parents generally try to halt the assault without reporting the crimes to the authorities. Therefore, few assaults by brothers on younger siblings would be recorded-unless the attacks were particularly sadistic or so physically damaging as to result in pregnancy, or to require a physician's report.

Indeed, in Behavior Today, forensic psychologist, Dr. Charles Patrick Ewing, predicted that "homicides committed by juveniles under the age of 18 will rise to epidemic proportions" - This was on the 20th of August 1990. With record numbers of children victimising and being victimised, it should come as no surprise that the vital statistics from a 1988 document presented that juveniles were attempting suicides in numbers of over eighty a day, eight of these youngsters succeeding. I would like to go deeply into the statistics of today on suicides, but this blog is already so long, however, I will write a separate blog on this - The numbers are staggering. It really is one HUGE worldwide crisis that has gone way, way too far, although intentionally so.

The Junior League in New York did a study of children between the ages of 12 and 13 years. Here is some of what they found:

"The average child viewed 12 movies in a typical month. These children reported that 34% of the movies they viewed were R-rated, for an average of slightly more than 4 "R" rated movies per month .... The majority of the movies they saw, a whopping 64% were on Cable or were rented and were not seen with an adult. ... When asked what their favorite movie was, 20% of these children named not just an R-rated movie but 20% named an R-Slasher movie. Children who have seen these movies are likely to have viewed them at least twice. For instance, the 115 children who had seen Nightmare on Elm Street had seen it an average of four times."

On September 12th, 1984, during Senate Hearings on the "Effect of Pornography on Women and Children," Senator Jeremiah Denton (R-Ala) affirmed the St. Petersburg, Florida, account of the 9-year-old boy who was convicted of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and three counts of sexual battery in connection with the torture death of an 8-month-old girl. The brother of the 9-year-old boy testified that, in sexually assaulting the infant with a pencil and coat hanger, they were imitating actions they had seen in their mother's sex magazine. And, in early February 1991, the Department of Justice sent out a mailing that included a report of "a 10-year-old boy who learned to have sex by watching X-rated movies was arrested on charges he raped and sodomized an 8-year-old girl and her 4-year-old sister". Medical tests showed evidence of sexual intercourse. Whoever is responsible for letting the boy see the movies [police said] should be arrested for endangering the welfare of a child. We have children imitating pornography to the point of infanticide via sexual battery!

The hearings also concluded that out of 1,400 cases of suspected child exploitation that all, that is 100 percent of the arrested pedophiles, child pornographers, pimps, what have you, all of these, in effect child molesters, had in their possession at the time of arrest, adult pornography ranging from what is in the literature typically referred to as "soft pornography" such as Playboy, on up to "harder pornography", such as Hustler.

"Pseudo-child" pornography or "teasers" involve women allegedly over the age of eighteen who are presented in such a way as to make them appear to be children or youths. Models used in such publications are chosen for their youthful appearance (e.g., in females, slim build and small breasts); and are presented with various accoutrements designed to enhance the illusion of immaturity (e.g., hair in ponytails or ringlets, toys, teddy bears, etc.). "Pseudo- child pornography" is of concern since it may appeal to the same tastes and may evoke responses similar or identical to those elicited by true child pornography.

A state prison clinical psychologist maintained that most of the 500 sex offenders in his program were "definitely influenced by pornography"

"We had a guy here who stabbed a woman 23 times. I asked him why he stabbed her so often, more than was needed to kill her, and he told me, "That's the number of times I need to get an erection." They may sometimes have an orgasm during a violent act ... They're fighting to control their impulses all the time-it takes an inordinate amount of energy ... pornography lowers their controls, and away they go."

Soft porn has produced a monthly re-education and desensitisation program for college educated males. Look where it's led today. Testimony before the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, "Sharon" spoke of her dentist husband, who read Playboy and Penthouse when they married:

"He has molested ten of his patients. He does this by turning his nitrous oxide up to three times as much as is normal and safe. Then he asks the nurse to leave the room .... John has molested our daughter . . I saw a man whom I cared for deteriorate over a period of eleven years. I saw pornography that is sold at a lot of the convenience stores come to dominate-the only talking real influence on that man's existence. I'm not talking about that kind of pornography that is sold in those kinky little sex shops. I am talking about magazines that are sold in local convenience stores. The pornography John collected, and was obsessed with, was Penthouse, Oui, Hustler, and Playboy."

At the hearings, "Evelyn" testified about the fall-out of pornography in her marriage:

"For more than thirty years I watched pornography destroy our marriage .... We live in a fairly small community in Wisconsin where pornographic material was not readily available during the first years of our marriage. The addiction began with Playboy, cheap paperbacks, obscene playing cards, and R-rated movies. It then progressed to movies of lesbians and prostitutes he secured through the mail . . . . He could have destroyed me as a person if it were not for the memories, I have of myself and my life before I met him. ... Masturbation took over our sex life. I know for a fact that pornography destroyed our marriage."

These are just 2 examples of millions and millions. Just a reminder that most of what I've stated so far is only up to the 1990's. Since the inception of "online porn", freely accessible, to anybody, at the click of a button, 24/7 - it's not difficult to see the effects, everywhere. We'll discuss current data at the end of the blog. As you can imagine, it's absolutely terrifying.

Brenda McKillop, a former Playboy bunny, lived at the mansion and worked at the Playboy Club from 1973 to 1976. She spoke of her introduction to pornography:

"My first association with Playboy began in childhood when I found Playboy as well as other pornographic magazines hidden around the house. I have since discovered that a great deal of pornography ends up in the hands of the children. This gave me a distorted image of sexuality .... I believe that the Playboy philosophy of pleasure-seeking lust influenced my father to make passes at other women and to ask a neighbor to swap wives. I believe my mother's battle with obesity caused her to feel jealous of the playgirls and jealous of her own daughter's body. I never questioned the morality of becoming a Playboy bunny because the magazine was accepted into the home. Drug abuse is deeply interwoven into the Playboy lifestyle. I saw marijuana being used at Hefner's mansion on a regular basis, and cocaine as well .... I experienced everything from date rape to physical abuse, to group sex, and finally to fantasizing homosexuality as I read Playboy magazines."

As pornography and prostitution grew in consumer demand and legitimacy, unscrupulous parents and guardians were prepared to reap unbridled profit. Historically and cross-culturally, adults have sexually violated their children for amusement and income. Infants are on record arriving in emergency wards with their internal organs ruptured, permanently destroyed, infected with oral, vaginal, and anal venereal disease passed on by fathers, older brothers, grandfathers, uncles, and mum's boyfriends.

The nation was stunned by the horror story of little Lisa Steinberg, raped and murdered by her drug-using lawyer "adopted" dad. Few realize that the small child was also used in pornography, sold by her adoptive parents. A Northern Virginia mother and her boyfriend were arrested in 1989 for sexually renting her three little boys, and for "first-degree rape" of her two and one-half-year-old daughter. One small son said a man "came in and had sex with all of us, including Mama" (Washington Post, 22 August 1989).

The next day (23 August 1989) a clipping in the Washington Post noted, "A New York couple was charged yesterday with sexually assaulting or torturing ... raping, sodomizing, or beating nine of their [twelve] children, ranging in age from 4 months to 16 years." Police were digging for the "remains of the children said to have been buried." The same day, the Washington Times reported on two men (one a "Big Brother" and a real estate agent in an affluent Virginia community) who were arranging to buy a young white boy for sexual abuse and homicide. The men planned to film their rape and torture of the boy as well as his murder, otherwise known as a "snuff' film. Both were later convicted of the murder plan. One of the would-be child-sex-murderers said of the innocent boy, "I want to strangle the kid, I want to hang the kid, I want to suffocate the kid." Sexually abusing mums and dads increasingly provide sex with ever younger children to ever-younger rapists-killers for their own pleasure and gain.

The Bourke/Hernandez paper revealed that an astounding 85% of men arrested for child pornography had also physically abused children. Children are exposed to otherwise illegally sexually explicit materials because of "obscenity exemptions" granted to schools, libraries and other organisations. Young minds that should be protected in their innocence are instead exploited in the name of "education".

I just want to clarify that not all pornography users are sexual offenders or pedophiles, however, it would be foolish to deny the facts of what CAN happen, in some circumstances. With children being exposed, it's easy to see how this is affecting developing minds, therefore increasing the number of potential abusers.

Just as Hefner altered his past beliefs about sex and male-female relations after reading Kinsey, boys by the millions altered their past beliefs about sex and male-female relations after viewing Playboy. If Playboy changed American boys and men, it thus changed American women, children, and families as well.

While "open pornography" was supposed to free us from sexual repression, it imprisoned millions in sexual obsession. Indeed, we have instead an unprecedented generation of addicts of every type; rapists, murderers and madmen. Playboy and its imitators in magazine, film, television, dial-a-porn, ads and other media are "sadosexual training manuals" for juveniles. Sexual, explicit, and graphic materials in the home often leads to sexual abuse of children by kin and/or, to a broad range of other emotional and physical problems, normalising that "no" means "yes" and rape is "fun and exciting".

As college men change society by absorbing sadosexual imagery, the nation, (and most of the world) becomes increasingly sexually violent. The sex industry scrambled to eliminate the tradition of lifelong marriage (through Joe College) because marriage and fidelity undermined its power. Instead of admitting that Kinseyan ideology and pornography were toxic material, health and sexuality professionals developed new methods to further bamboozle millions into becoming their patients. Indeed, many sexuality health professionals began using and creating pornography in their own practices to allegedly help cure the very psychosexual dysfunctions they helped create!

After examining the status of our youth, we note that naturally curious children will do what children are supposed to do. They imitate the adult models around them. This includes those in real life as well as those models on television, in films, advertisements, and now, albeit less so, in books. The people imitated are those available, therefore both "good" characters, and "bad" characters become role models. Excitement also teaches behavior. The visual material in pornography is largely believed, "swallowed" by the intuitive, right hemisphere of the brain, as we discussed earlier. Subsequently, you would expect juvenile sexual disorders to climb, and 89% of juvenile offenders are recorded as using pornography as a tool for their crimes. Add to these grisly numbers the roughly one thousand men and boys who die annually from masturbation strangulation (autoerotic asphyxiation). The young victims are almost always found using "soft core" pornography.

Given the facts, men need to realise that "soft" pornography is really "hard" abuse, scarring the emotions and bodies of women, children, and men. The damage is being done by sadosexual material accessible to children and adults. The damage is being done by the Kinseyan world view that all women and children desire sex, under almost any circumstances. It is time for men to become angry at what the "soft" sex industry has done to them and their families. There are no untouched consumers of commercial sex. As shown earlier, one's high arousal to commercial sex is a result of the brain's reaction to stressful visual data, images and text that produce a mixture of shame, lust, guilt, anger, and fear, triggering the "high" of erotica/pornography. No human brain can casually balance provocative nude women with cartoons, text, and photo essays of orgies, violence, adultery, adult-child sex, homosexuality, sadism, and bestiality.

A study of habitual sex-offenders at a penitentiary noted that 38% of the rapists used "soft-core" porn to arouse and incite themselves before the rape. Another 19% used "hard-core" porn immediately prior to committing the offense. A study by the Michigan state police department showed that 41% of the 38,000 sexual assault cases on file involved some use of porn immediately prior to or during the act.

The following material is excerpted from the American Family Association booklet, "A Guide to What One Person Can Do About Pornography, " by an abused wife and mother.

"Pornography. I don't particularly care for it, but I believe in freedom of the press and freedom of expression. I can live with or without it." These were the words I spoke to my new husband. Words that I would live to regret. I was reared in an independent Baptist home where pornography was considered distasteful, bad, and illegal. My exposure to it was a gradual process over my teen years. The "R" rated drive-in movies and pornographic magazines at school were the extent of my exposure. But with its acceptance by peers, I eventually adopted an attitude of being "straddle of the fence." I didn't personally care for it but I condoned it so I would fit in with the crowd. This was the attitude I conveyed to my new husband.

Early in our marriage there wasn't any pornographic influence that I'm aware of. My husband was a kind and gentle man. He is a past president of a local chapter of United Way, an ex-Little League coach, and he has worked with handicapped children. He seemed to be well adjusted, normal, and happy. Our relationship was very loving, good, and happy. After several months of marriage my husband brought home a VCR movie. He invited his daughter and son-in-law over for dinner and movies. The movies were pornographic. I could not believe that he was actually watching those with his daughter. I confronted him with my feelings. His reply was, "We have been watching those kinds of movies together for a long time. I'm proud my daughter watches them; she's learning how to keep her husband happy. Everybody does this, don't be such a drag."

I felt ashamed, embarrassed, and cheap. But I tolerated it to fit into my new family. I found reason to excuse myself to other parts of our home when the movies were being viewed. After the movies my husband would often approach me sexually. I would discourage him because I felt he was excited by the trash that he had watched and not by our relationship. He would become angry and withdrawn. I was very uncomfortable with this aspect of our relationship, and we began to grow distant from each other. Then I became pregnant.

About seven months into the pregnancy, he asked me, "How would you feel about me having sex with a couple of friends while you watch, you know, like in the movies?". I was shocked and replied, "Absolutely not!". He tried to laugh it off as a joke but deep in my heart I knew that he was serious.

Our baby was born, a beautiful little girl. I was so proud of her and wanted to share her infancy with her father. He had become a very cold person and did not seem very excited about the birth of our daughter. The pornographic movie watching increased, and he was buying books on sex with animals and family members. I tried to shut out of my mind what he was doing, but it was always with me like a bad cloud hanging over my head.

Two weeks after our daughter's first birthday my worst fears came to be. I discovered my husband naked in the family room with my daughter's little hands wrapped around his penis masturbating. I felt angry, betrayed, confused, and sick. I removed the baby from the room and begged him to go for help. He lay there on the floor masturbating and screamed at me, "You are so stupid. Everybody does this, I was not hurting the baby. It is fun and exciting, just like in the movies. You are so stupid and boring!"

My daughter and I slept in the guest room that night but much to my dismay the same incident was repeated the next morning. Only this time he became very violent. He slapped me across the face and said, "Maybe you are more into pain; after all, the girl in the movie I watched yesterday was into pain."

Child sexual abuse continued on court ordered visitation during the divorce. Now distance separates my daughter and me from her father. I have often thought back to my statement on pornography. Sitting astraddle of the fence caused my child and me physical and emotional pain beyond description. Yes, there were other problems in the marriage, but I feel that the pornographic materials that he enjoyed contributed greatly to his attitude and actions. It has taken great amounts of energy to work through the trauma that we experienced. I am deeply ashamed of the attitude that I had adopted. My daughter and I now live in a small town. Recently I discovered that a local video shop had pornographic movies. I thought of the children who might be abused by what someone learned in those movies. I thought of my little girl and our broken home. I could not sit "astraddle of the fence" anymore. I made one phone call to a city official, and the owner was asked to remove the movies. He willingly did so. Never again will I be silent on an issue that made me feel the way pornography did."

Many advocates of pedophilia existed historically and currently as "political pedophile organisations" such as PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) and NAMBLA (North American Man Loves Boy Association) - please refer to my blog on the Sexual Revolution for a deeper look at these organisations. Pedophile organisation - "Rene guyon society" used the slogan; "Sex before eight, or else it's too late". When people are speaking such filth and blatant child abuse with such confidence, you can guarantee they feel protected. They most certainly have "support" to be saying such disturbing things. They should all be in prison! It's an example of how "normalised" this is all becoming. Even to the point of pedophiles being referred to as "MAPS" - "Minor Attracted Person", to be added, and accepted as a "sexual orientation".

The Voon Study found that compulsive porn users craved (wanted) pornography but did not have a higher sexual desire (liking) than the control group. This refutes the theory that "higher sexual desire" causes compulsive pornography use. They also found over 50% of subjects (average age 25) had difficulty achieving erections with real partners but could achieve erections with pornography. The 2 studies found:

* Three major addiction-related brain changes; sensitisation, desensitisation, and hypofrontality

* Less arousal to sexual imagery (need for greater stimulation)

* The younger the porn user, the greater reactivity in the reward centre of the brain

* Very high rates of Erectile Dysfunction in young, compulsive pornography users

The three particular regions that lit up more in the brains of sex addicts were reward, motivation, and craving. They want it more than they like it - a true addiction.

Society is collectively in denial about pornography. Why does no-one talk about it? There are money interests obviously, as we've discussed - a multi-trillion-dollar industry in 2022. Most of what I've written up until this point has been PRE-internet days, or at least pre-online porn. Since the availability of pornography, elite pedophile rings, human trafficking, including children - has skyrocketed and continues to climb. The "demand" is now there, since porn has saturated the whole of society and seeped into the minds of once normally developing children, and adults alike. People are in denial, because most, sadly, are consumers.

There is a scientific consensus emerging that today's pornography is truly a public health menace. The brain makes it uniquely addictive AND destructive - what smoking does to the lungs, pornography does to the brain. This addiction has literally been rewiring our brains in ways that have had a profoundly damaging impact on sexuality, relationships, and mental health. It's having impact on the very fabric of society, changing its attitudes and behaviours. Online porn addiction is the number one public health challenge facing the Western world.

It's natural for adults to seek out sexual stimulation and when we get it, a deep part of our brain called the "reward centre" - which makes us feel good, releases the neurotransmitter "dopamine" (the pleasure hormone). This is over-simplified and should more accurately be called "the desire hormone", or "the craving hormone". The release of dopamine doesn't start with the reward itself - but the anticipation of. The reward centre of the brain is to make us crave the things that we are designed to crave or crave the most - sex and food.

During a study on mating rats, it was observed that the male rat will mate with all females in heat (seven in this case) until it is completely exhausted, at which time, it will stop responding to the females nudges to mate again. However, when a "new" female rat is added into the mix, even though the male rat is utterly exhausted, it will suddenly awaken and mate with the new "novel partner". This is called the "Coolidge Effect". Neurochemically, this means our brains produce more dopamine with novel partners. It's critical to note that with each new porn scene, our brains interpret it as a different (new) partner. A study of men watching the same porn scene until arousal was lost, showed that when they were introduced with a new scene, arousal returned immediately.

A "super stimulus" - "an exaggerated version of a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved." An example of this would be the obesity epidemic with the "super stimulus" being refined sugar. It doesn't exist in nature and our bodies aren't prepared for it. Pornography is also a super stimulus and can be accessed everywhere, by anyone, on every device, 24/7.

The reason chemical drugs can be so addictive is because they trigger our neurochemical reward mechanisms linked to sex. Heroin addicts often claim that shooting up feels like an orgasm. Methamphetamine use activates the same reward systems.

Addiction research shows that not all people have a predisposition to addiction to chemical drugs - only if you have a genetic predisposition can the brains reward system be tricked into mistaking a particular chemical for sex. Some people can have a few drinks or cigarettes and leave it alone, but with sex, all of us have a predisposition to addiction to sexual stimulus.

Accessible porn 24/7, and feeling a new partner each time, becomes an unprecedented stimulus for the brain. It means the consumer can now keep dopamine levels much higher, and for much longer periods of time. Pornography supports the "brain disease model of addiction". Something happens inside the brain causing people to exhibit certain patterns of behaviour. A 2014 study concluded:

"There are clear differences in brain activity between patients who have compulsive sexual behaviour and healthy volunteers."

With addiction you need more and more of your drug to get less and less of a "kick". This is the cycle that makes addiction so destructive. It literally rewires the circuitry of the brain.

When the reward centre in the brain is activated, it releases "feel good" chemicals, mainly dopamine, along with a protein called "DeltaFosB". Its function is to strengthen the neural pathway that dopamine travels, deepening the neural connection between the "buzz" we get and whatever we are experiencing when we get it. DeltaFosB is important for learning new skills. For example, if you keep practicing a golf swing until you get it right, you receive a burst of joy (dopamine release) while accompanying the release of DeltaFosB, which helps the brain to remember how to do it again. It's a very clever system.

But DeltaFosB is also responsible for making addiction possible. Addictive drugs activate the same nerve cells activated during sexual arousal, which is why we derive pleasure. We become addicted when DeltaFosB has re-programmed the brains reward system, and this is why addiction is so powerful. Since online porn is a sexual stimulus, we're all predisposed, so it takes much less rewiring for consumption to cause addiction.

Pornography is a sexual stimulus, but it is not sex. As more and more pornography is consumed, needing more and more to get the same kick, the brain is rewired so that what triggers the reward system - that is supposed to be linked with sex, is no longer linked with sex - to human flesh, touching, and kissing - but to porn. A heroin addict's brain is rewired so that the sex reward system is re-programmed to seek heroin and not sex.

We are experiencing an epidemic of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men under forty (since the Kinsey Reports) as well as low libido. The only variable that has changed is online pornography from 2006, an increase of several orders of magnitude. Many must think of porn, or watch it, to get an erection. ED jumped from 1% to between 14-37%. This is staggering and a public health crisis. It has profound effects on human health and social life. It has become so "normal" that advertisements offer "medication" to fix the problem of ED continually through-out the day and into the evening on TV, as well as radio and social media. It's everywhere we turn. This is NOT "normal" and has alarming consequences for the human population.

The effects of the "progressive" sexual freedom movement are ironically - "a sexual recession". Pornography is the cause of this, as less and less people are having physical sex, negatively impacting on fertility. Online addiction means more of, new, and highly accessible porn with algorithms displaying to you what it thinks you want to see, based on your previous internet searches.

MRIs of pornography users correlated with less grey matter in the reward system. Consumers are desensitised - subjects with high porn consumption require ever stronger stimuli to reach the same reward level as tolerance is built. Addicts find the same stimulus less and less rewarding. It doesn't just make us crave more, it makes us crave "novelty"- whatever produces novelty-produces surprise or shock. People are drawn to pornography that is increasingly taboo, specifically more violent and degrading. Esquire reported in 2015 that "incest is the fastest growing trend in porn". Inter-racial porn is also popular and becoming more degrading to women, and more racist.

The owner of Pornhub - Kink dot Com, are popular for BDSM and fetishes. Since 2006 when online porn became available, it has turned pornography addicts into novelty-seeking machines.

One series of Kink videos is based on the following concept: the Porn star is alone in a room with several men; the director explains to her (and we watch) that if she can leave the room, she gets cash; for each article of clothing she still has on at the end of the scene, she gets cash; for each sex act that one of the men gets to perform on her, he gets cash and she loses money. One has to grant them a devilish kind of cleverness: it lets them enact an actual violent rape with legal impunity. The woman really resists; the men really force themselves brutally on her. Of course, she “consented” to the whole thing, which, somehow, makes it legal. It's more extreme and more violent because unfortunately there is now a demand.

It used to be that men aroused with sexual fantasies involving some kind of coercion, were the same men who were disgusted with rape and brutal degradation - now they are desensitised into thinking it's normal. We spoke earlier about the effects that porn has in moulding the minds of young boys, and their interpretation of "what a girl wants" and the disastrous consequences of it. If they're learning from pornography, and they most certainly are doing, then they are indeed being conditioned to believe this is "normal" sexual behaviour. The more they view it, the more desensitised they become.

Whatever is the most shocking, is the biggest dopamine jolt in online porn addicts. The reward cycle means that it needs a bigger dopamine boost every time. Something even more shocking is that each time, DeltaFosB rewires the brain, creating and strengthening attraction to shocking images, overriding neural pathways which link normal sex - non-violent, and non-incestuous, to the reward centre.

Pornography can even effect sexual orientation. Many men viewed explicit pornography inconsistent with their stated sexual identity. Straight men were watching gay porn and vice versa. Since 2018 there was an explosion of "trans porn". Men don't "discover" their "true sexual orientation" when watching porn - it goes away when they quit online porn. There was at least one case of "sissy porn" (a "kink" where a man dresses up as woman and receives anal and oral sodomy by a "man") turning one man transgender! Admitted by himself of course! Just how many times has this happened? Obsessions with sex lead to the most deviant men and women.

Pornography is neurochemically addictive, having a widespread alarming impact on sexuality, family, and society, from never-seen-before rates of ED, a rise in child sex abuse, the sexualisation of children, and the growing popularity of extreme fetishes, to a potential "sex-recession".

Pornography effects the addicts view of women. A 2015 review looked at 22 studies from seven different countries finding a link between the consumption of online porn and sexual aggression. The study observed a "diminished view of women's competence, morality, and humanity." Studies show that porn use correlates with marital unhappiness not because spouses who become unhappy turn to porn, but rather that porn is the cause of the unhappiness.

For women, they've been forced to accept their husband's porn use as normal, but it's felt as a form of betrayal and rejection, with an obvious negative impact on body image and self-esteem. Some reported of being traumatised by the discovery of their husband's porn, felt less desirable, with feelings of low self-worth. Some experience anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

A 2016 study found in men (aged between 18-29) that the more pornography he watched, the more likely he was to use it during sex, requested particular porn sex acts of his partner, and deliberately conjured images of porn during sex to maintain arousal, with concerns over his own body image and performance. High porn use is negatively associated with enjoying sexually intimate behaviours with a partner. There has been a sudden increase in neuropathology's, especially depression. If most young boys are porn-addicted, what becomes of young girls? We are living in extremely dangerous times.

Pornography causes loneliness, typically causing powerful feelings of shame so avoidance becomes the norm, engaging in anti-social behaviour. Increased secrecy, less intimacy and more depression, unfortunately become the usual.

When you "work-out" one part of your brain intensely, it will essentially steal resources, in an attempt to "pump itself up" - from other parts of the brain. Specifically, the release of the protein "DeltaFosB" that comes with porn use, weakens the prefrontal cortex - which is called "Hypo frontality". Brain imaging of porn addicts exhibits lower amounts of gray matter, abnormal white matter, and reduced ability to process glucose - which is the brains fuel, in the prefrontal cortex.

This decreases executive function - decision-making faculties; ability to control impulses; evaluates risk, reward, and danger. Porn addiction literally causes the most important part of the brain to waste away - (atrophy).

Cognitive problems that scientific studies have linked to porn use are decreased academic performance; decreased working memory performance; decreased decision-making ability; lower emotional regulation; higher impulsivity; higher risk aversion; lower altruism and higher rates of neurosis. Other links found; high stress; social anxiety; romantic attachment anxiety and avoidance; narcissism; depression; anxiety; aggressiveness; poor self-esteem.

Negative affects drawn from over 20 studies showed: regressive attitude towards women, sexual aggression, social maladjustment, sexual preoccupation, and compulsivity.

Neuroplasticity means that porn addiction, by strengthening certain neural pathways in the brain, weakens others, especially those related to executive function. Children's brains are so much more "plastic" than adults. When certain pathways are solidified at a young age, they tend to stay that way. It's possible to change them later on life but it is much harder.

We can all agree that we know children are exposed to pornography in prodigious amounts, and porn sites do nothing at all to prevent them consuming it. According to the "British Journal of Nursing" in 2017 - Children under TEN years of age accounted for 22% of online porn consumption for under 18's. This is absolutely heart breaking. What are we doing to our children? Children of both sexes who are exposed to pornography are more likely to believe the acts that they see, such as anal sex and group sex, which are typical among peers.

Japan is one of the very worst countries for "free sex" as is very well known. They are 10 years in front of the west with growing markets for sex toys for men, but not for women, as well as for extreme homoerotic pornography. This is consistent with a population that has been desensitised to normal sex stimulus by online porn addiction.

Generations of men are suffering with hypo frontality, the neurological disease caused by pornography addiction. The key problem is the inability to commit to a career or a woman. Commitment requires abilities enabled by pre-frontal cortex like self-mastery, decision making, future planning, becoming financially independent, moving out of parents' home, meeting new people, asking a girl out - while young men generally want to do them, they can be intimidating. It's the executive function of the pre-frontal cortex that makes it possible to get over initial reluctance that comes from the lower part of the brain.

Planned Parenthood's materials for children proves it is deliberately pushing children towards sexual activity to drum up business, among other reasons. Aborted baby fetal tissue is used in a number of products, including processed foods and drinks, and vaccines. The abortion giant is given millions of dollars in tax-payers money annually, with unfettered access to our children to provide smut that it deems "age appropriate" so it can turn them into sex addicts - they want to sell their birth control.

Recovery from the effects of porn addiction is possible within 6-12 weeks but may require counseling. Men who attempted to stop porn addiction report withdrawal symptoms; temporary drop in libido, insomnia, irritability, panic, despair, concentration problems, and flu-like symptoms. Previous porn addicts mention three things that other addicts should be aware of:

1 - This is 100% fixable

2 - It will likely be one of the hardest things you've ever done

3 - If you ever want a normal sex life again, you kinda don't have a choice

What seems supremely irrational is our bizarre complacency about something which, at some level, we all know to be happening. There are many people of influence getting high on porn so are too ashamed to take a public stand and are willing to turn a blind eye. This is very problematic. So many are reluctant to admit that their beloved, pleasurable habit is in reality a destructive addiction.

Thanks to Alex Thomson at the UK Column for the following information. I've not had chance to do further research yet, but I have no doubt that this is absolutely relevant to the sexual revolution, and I will be delving further as soon as I have the time.

After the second Bolshevik Revolution in Hungary in 1919, George Lukács became the Deputy Commissar for Culture. One of the first things he did was to introduce sex education in primary schools with the long-term goal of dismantling traditional value systems which had the family at its centre. This is where it all truly began - 3 decades before Kinsey and the introduction into the sexual revolution. Thereafter, in the 1920's it was Margaret Mead and her fraudulent “research” in Western Samoa on sexuality that carried it forward. And in the 1930's E Michael Jones wrote a book called Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control - the next stepping-stone and further insight into the impending sexual revolution.

A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley portrayed a stark warning of what would become of the future. I highly recommend this book, although based around 600 years into the future, its contents are incredulously not far from where we are today, only 90 years post publication.

We have a worldwide “Sex Education” mandated from age THREE - sixteen with NO parental opt out, and into further/higher education, including universities – all of it based on child abuse – including “gender theory”. Please read my blog on the father of “Gender Identity” - John Money, another child abuser, who's “baseless theories” ended up seeping their way through-out the WHOLE of academia as “fact” - and is touted not only within education but also through all media, television and entertainment.

Thankfully, there is an organisation in South Wales that was set up by a group of concerned mums in July 2020. I have the incredible honour of working alongside these outstanding mothers and have been campaigning to get rid of the now mandated Kinsey/Hefner “sex education”. This education is already in 52 countries worldwide and Wales are the last men standing.......

Public Child Protection Wales have been granted a Judicial Review, which is to be heard this year in November. WHEN we win, in whatever regard that may be, it will set precedent for the other 52 countries already using this abhorrent so called “sex education”, including the rest of the UK. It's a GLOBAL education written and introduced by SIECUS and UNESCO. The fight is here in Wales, and we need your help. This has profound effects on the whole of the UK certainly, but also many, many other countries worldwide. We need to raise £100,000 for our legal fees. The Judicial Review is against the Welsh Government, which has NEVER happened before, since it's devolvement into "independence"- and is only granted 0.22% of the time. The judges' comments state:

The new sex education and the pornography industry go hand-in-hand, as young children are directed to pornographers in the name of “education”. There have been countless cases of abuse in schools. Here is a recent case from Edinburgh, in Scotland.

"Scots primary school pupil 'sexually abused in toilet' after sex education class leaving parents 'disgusted' - It's claimed that a pupil was allegedly held down and sexually assaulted by two others from the school."

If you'd like to get involved in this fight for our children's innocent minds, please get in touch with Public Child Protection Wales, (wherever you are in the world). They can also be found on Facebook and Youtube. We all need to come together and stop this insanity; it's already gone way too far. These women are some of the strongest I've ever met, they are all working incredibly hard, daily, while trying to balance their own jobs and family life. Knowing them personally, I can vouch for this – they are warriors in the true sense of the word, and they need, and most definitely deserve, our undivided help and attention. A statement from the Chair of Public Child Protection Wales, Criminologist, and my incredible friend, Kim Isherwood:

"Only the children can truly unite this kingdom!! We do not get to choose where we go to war, we go where we are needed. Right now, the war is in Wales. The trenches need filling with men from all corners of the UK. The world is watching, we must start small, then take them all."

This is no longer a case of “prevention” - but damage limitations instead. A matter of urgency. These are our precious children, the most vulnerable in society. What kind of “society” are we living in if we can't make the changes such desperately needed for our own children who ARE the future? I agree with Kim, wholeheartedly.

I now also work with my beautiful friend and AMAZING researcher, interviewer and broadcaster, Lou Collins at Liberty Tactics. Please follow us here for updates on what's going on in schools and within the education system as a whole and find out how to take action and help us remove it for good. We are Alternative Media, our Podcasts based on a whole array of subjects, current events and TRUE news, including our "Children's First" weekly Podcast.

Liberty Tactics hosted a "Podcastathon" in August this year to help raise funds for PCPW legal costs. A straight through broadcast for 36 hours in a studio in London during the hottest few days on record. We had some incredible guests and told the true history of this degeneracy we are now facing, along with resolutions to battle against it. It's in three parts which can be found here. We are hosting another podcastathon on November 5th this year, which will no doubt be an explosive weekend. If you took anything useful from this blog and would like to donate, it would be hugely appreciated if it can go to the cause, rather than my own website. Here is the link for our Fundraiser for the Legal Costs for PCPW.

This has been an agenda that has been on the cards for a very long time, as discussed. It's very deep rooted and will be difficult to unravel, given that society's attitudes and behaviours have already been transformed to an alarming degree, in favour of the sexual revolution. Dr Reisman said something that really struck me, it made so much sense. She said that women can organise, expose the atrocities, and speak out about the disastrous consequences of pornography, encouraging other women to do the same, but the pornography battle can only be won by men. The war will not be won until men have gone to war against porn, and against a world view that degrades and victimises women and children. In other words - men in particular (with women alongside them) need to stop subscribing.

"If it is true that whoever controls men's sexuality controls men, then the sex industry controls much of today's society."

I was a wild teenager. Extremely rebellious - I did most of the things I wasn't supposed to be doing, caught up with recreational drug use and alcohol consumption as a young teenager, progressing into the "drug-sex" ideology like many others at that time, including consumption of pornography. I'm not approaching this from a "Mary Whitehouse" perspective, it's my own experience, I lived it. This is why I can see the dangers and so desperately want to do everything I can possibly do within my reach to change things. I want to protect the future generations from what I myself was exposed to, back in the nineties. Obviously, that is not the life I live today, or for many years now thankfully. Learning the truth has literally changed my life. I had to admit that I was completely led and caught up in this whole thing, and that's a difficult thing to do, and why I know that many will feel this blog the same way as I did.

Looking back, it was impossible to get away from, and since I fell down the rabbit hole, it's CLEAR to me that this was all part of the agenda. It's certainly a tough pill to swallow, but one that HAS to be swallowed. I'm judging no-one, we've all been carried away by this at some point, or at least a HUGE majority of us, it was intentional. Now it's time to accept that we were lied to, and unite in destroying this abhorrent agenda, that has destroyed us.

Thank you for taking the time to read this very uncomfortable but necessary blog. I'm aware how difficult this is, and also how many readers will relate to something within it in their own lives. This is unfortunate but it's a fact. However, there ARE solutions, but we all need to step out of our denial surrounding pornography and jump into direct action to change it. This affects every single one of us, it's unavoidable and we need to face it head on. Repent.

Thank you for all the support that increases every single day. We are finally coming together on this very urgent matter and absolutely nothing will get in our way. We know the truth, we know how dangerous this is, and we will stop at nothing to protect our children and the future generations.

“We will move mountains with toothpicks to protect our children”

It really is this simple. As Kim says;

“Are you the part of the Human Race? Or the Human DISGRACE? - Choose your side.”

Useful Links

Home | Public Child Protection Wales - Receive updates and get involved.

HOME - Liberty Tactics - Join us at Liberty Tactics, updates on upcoming "Podcastathon".

Home | Exposing the Lie - Join me over at my website.

107147NCJRS.pdf ( - Dr Reismans Report on Playboy, Penthouse & Hustler (Part 1).

107148NCJRS.pdf ( - Dr Reismans Report on Playboy, Penthouse & Hustler (Part 2).

107149NCJRS.pdf ( - Dr Reismans Report on Playboy, Penthouse & Hustler (Part 3).

109944NCJRS.pdf ( - Dr Reismans Report on Playboy, Penthouse & Hustler (Part 4).

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1 Comment

Sharon Taylor
Sharon Taylor
Oct 07, 2022

I have been anti porn since I can remember. Porn desensitises people and sex is literally just an act where they need all sorts to 'get off'. Making Love has become extinct. So sad. A faithless, perverse society is killing people. I am on your side.

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